The Foundation is our school’s primary fundraising organization. It is a non-profit, community and volunteer driven organization dedicated to equipping, enriching and empowering our students.

Beechwood School Foundation supports the educational experience of the students of Beechwood School by funding programs that enable 21st Century Learning Standards. The Foundation supports improved student-to-teacher relationships, educational academies, experiential learning, the acquisition of technology, and the training and development of staff.

Why do we need a Foundation?

The Beechwood School Foundation seeks to expand our incredible academic programs and resources. Our Foundation dollars go entirely to our school and we often double or triple the schools annual budget.

Why we have a PTSA?

While the Foundation builds our academics, the PTSA builds our community and memories with family events, local outreach and team spirit- the other side of what makes our school extraordinary.

Why does the Foundation do the major fundraising?

The Beechwood School Foundation is a 501(c)3 non-profit with greater flexibility than the PTSA to raise funds and direct those resources toward outstanding academic programs.

If I donated last year, do I need to donate again?

Our campaign is something we run each year and those dollars go directly to the school for that year.

Does the Foundation accept matching funds from businesses?

YES! All donations, individual or corporate, are tax deductible.

Do I still need to pay for field trips?

NO! Families used to pay busing and entrance fees for each and every field trip. Now, with the exception of overnight trips, all expenses are paid by the Foundation.

Do we need to meet our fundraising goals to guarantee Foundation programs for this year?

YES! Most programs require year-to-year funding and each year we evaluate the needs of the school with Mrs. Lim and the staff to determine what is most necessary and what will benefit the most students at our school. Come to a Foundation meeting to learn more about all the different things we fund each year.

When will my donation to the Foundation start to benefit Beechwood?

Right away, the Foundation will provide over $100,000 in funding to Beechwood by October of this school year.

When can I make a donation to Team Beechwood?

Our Fall Campaign kicks of the year requesting and accepting donation from families, friends and the community. Donations are welcomed all school year.

You can make your online donations here.

Beechwood School Foundation is a 501(c)(3) non-profit that supports programs at Beechwood School.